Palm Trees & NZ Natives at clearance prices

p: (09) 818 9259
m: 021 138 5102

© P&Y Lipsham Palms

Palm Trees & Ferns
at Clearance Prices

Located on the scenic foothills of Auckland's Waitakere Ranges,
P&Y Lipsham Palms are pleased to offer their large range of New Zealand native and Exotic Palms and ferns for sale for the first time via the internet.

We have a large range of sizes of NZ Nikau,Dwarf Palmetto Palms, King Ferns, Astelia Silver Spear, Kauri, and Pitt Island Nikaus.

Wth Free Delivery within the Auckland region for orders over $500, these palms and ferns will be ideal for home landscapers, commercial developers and the gardening enthusiast.